I'm not a runner by hobby. In fact I am one of those that often said "If you see me running call 911." However, running is free, and it doesn't require equipment. So as a mom of 4 and a very busy individual I took up running to keep in shape and get alone with God for a few minutes.
I shared with one of my closest friends that when I am having a particularly hard time getting through my run I'll pretend I am in a unfriendly nation running for my life with a kid under each arm. Then I tell myself I'm "running for Jesus".
That may seem silly but it often brings up thoughts of what we have been called to do and I'll begin to dream. I'll dream of what the Pregnancy Center will look like and what it will be called. I will dream of that first young woman who walks through our doors in need of help. I will dream of my children growing up knowing that what is most important in life is that we lay down our lives for others. Some times I tear up when I think of the first child whose life is spared or maybe a set of grandparents who learn to forgive.
By the time I get to the end of my run I'm usually so ready to hop on a plane that I might just run towards the airport instead of back to my house...but I'm pretty sure I'd miss my kids so I don't;o)
Would you dream with us? You don't have to run, just sit and meditate if you wish. Let God speak to you about his vision for his children.