Tokyo Japan, every thing you'd expect and so much more. As of May 25th 2012 we have made two trips to Japan to confirm our calling and begin building important relationships among the Christians serving there.
During our first trip, after a few days of culture shock and jet lag, we wandered the streets of Japan talking out loud about God's plan and soaking it all in. For two small town Texans this was a whole new world. We were both mystified and in love with Japan. We met with Project Amazon (PAZ) leaders, and visited with pastors working within their organization. PAZ has been in Japan for 25+ years and they head up a host of church plants and outreaches. This is important because their organization is established in Japan and can now sponsor other incoming organizations, such as a Pregnancy Care Center ministry. They were very open to what God has laid on our hearts as well as many other missionaries and native people that we spoke with.
On the second trip Dave went by himself with the hopes of sharing our vision with other churches in and around Tokyo. Also, we wanted to find out just what was being done in the pro-life arena in Japan. Here is one amazing story Dave tells from his trip:
I had not planned on visiting Tokyo Baptist Church. It just wasn't on my list, but I found myself leaving a few hours early Saturday night to try and find my way there. The train system can be very complicated if you don't read or speak Japanese and I wanted to make sure I had plenty of time. My first train arrived right as I walked up to the dock and it was the same with the second train. I ended up at Tokyo Baptist church well before the service was to begin. I decided to wander around and noticed there was someone in the resource center. I began to talk with her, share why I was there, and what God had called our family to. Her name was Mary Ann. She was surprised that a Pregnancy Center ministry did not already exist in Japan and shared with me a story she had seen on the news. A reporter walked up to a girl in Tokyo to talk with her. She had her diary with her and began sharing from its pages. She opened it to a page with ultrasound pictures. The reporter said to her "so you are a mother?" To which she replied "No, I had to let that one go." There were other pages of ultrasounds in this girl's diary yet she was not a mother.
There is so much more to tell about our trips, our calling, and the directions God is leading us in so please continue to follow along as we journey to the place where we belong.
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