I was talking with my husband the other day about how things change; how previously unheard of things become permissible and the exceptions to the rule soon become the rule.
We were talking politics at the time but the same can apply to many things.
There is one disturbing trend that must be stopped. The acceptance and/or quiet dismissal of the murder of unborn children around the world. As a Christian I have always bristled a little when someone would try to tell me Christians ignore the topic and as a result allow it to continue. I'm not quiet, I don't want to allow it, I don't want to believe other Christians don't want to take action.
Have you heard of Kermit Gosnell? What about Douglas Karpen? Do you know what they did to BORN children? Does it make you angry, sick to your stomach? Do you think of how deranged they must be to do those things day after day? It is no wonder the media does not want to talk about it.
There was a point in time in my life when previously allowable things became repulsive to me. It was when I saw the gravity of my own wrong doings on my life and the lives of those around me. I do believe we can reverse the trend. We can change the acceptable.
We must be faithful to bring light to the gravity of wrong doing that is abortion. We must say that it is not ok to kill children ever, under any circumstances. We must pray for God to provide a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13) for those who believe they have no other choice.
Be willing to be unpopular, someone's life depends on it.
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