Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Do victims of abortion feel the loss?

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month.

Loss implies something was wanted and will be missed. Often we do not think the mother of an aborted child sees the child as a loss and we assume she does not miss them either. Oh, how wrong we can be.

Some wise person, I can't think of who just now, once said no one ever really wants to have an abortion. And, I believe them. Some individuals would probably rather not be pregnant. Still others might be so bold as to say a child is/would be a burden and is unwanted. But, ultimately I do believe no one really wants to have an abortion...no more than you want to have a root canal.

Stick with me on this one. I am NOT comparing a child in the womb to an infected tooth.

Abortion is:

Difficult physically
Emotionally draining both before and after
Causes bleeding and pain
Time consuming
Can cause death or serious injury

All of that is besides the moral issues attached to the procedure.

So, today if you know someone who has experienced an abortion please pray for them. Pray that they will recognize their loss if they haven't already. Pray that they will understand that it is good to miss that child. And pray that they will receive healing, because they have been hurt and feeling that pain means they are alive.