Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Where our help comes from

We are not being given a salary by our mission sending organization nor are we fully funded by our sending church. There are all different kinds of ways that missionaries get to the mission field. The way God has called us to serve is by raising our own funds (or salary).

There are many advantages to this way of mission funding.

  • It frees us up to do exactly what God is calling us to do. We can prayerfully follow the unique vision he has given us for planting Crisis Pregnancy Centers in Japan. We will not be employees with a standard job description.
  • As independent missionaries we are not tied to denominationalism. We will be vision casting among many different churches within Japan and hope to make this a united cause.
  • Our accountability responsibility is to our partners in ministry. Our quarterly newsletters, monthly email updates (coming soon), and one on one visits with our partners allow us to keep everyone up to date with ministry happenings as well as how the provided financials are being spent.
  • Our mission sending organization provides prayer, support, and insight, as well as financial accountablility. They do not provide a job description. They are a part of our support team.
We truly are grateful for those who have already agreed to come on board with Share-Affirm Ministries. As we have shared with many of our partners, it is clear that God has open the doors for this ministry in Japan. As we work on building our language abilities we will also be building relationships with Japanese Christians and other missionaries in Japan and sharing the vision for pro-life work. This is essential ground level work. You can not begin to build a building until the foundation is first poured.

If you are interested in hearing more about how to partner with Share-Affirm Ministires or the stories of God's provision and open doors please contact us at piercefamily@worldim.com

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Family Values

We are currently working on a study called Setting Sail in preparation for moving our family across the world. This study's goal is to draw you closer as a family, set a firm foundation for you to draw upon in hard times, and get each member of the family to realize their value as a part of our mission team.

Tonight we discussed creating a mission statement for our family so that each person clearly knows our Beliefs, Goals, and Priorities.

Here are what we as a family came up with:

In God and in Jesus Christ his son who came to die for us and in the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
Protecting unborn life and affirming the value of all life, preborn or otherwise.
Sharing the Gospel is our Christian responsibility.

Learn Japanese.
Establish crisis pregnancy centers in Japan.
Make friends with Japanese people.
Help women.

Follow God always.
Save babies.
Love mothers (and fathers).
Live out the Gospel.

Now we need to put all of this together in a few sentences that the children can memorize. Would you like to help? Put your suggestions in the comments below!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hi, we're the Pierces

We are the Pierce Family!

We are missionaries with World Indigenous Missions (WIM). Our mission field of calling is Japan. We will be on our way there December of 2013.

We are called to family and women's ministry. Shara, the mom, has been working with Crisis Pregnancy Centers for over 8 years and our vision is to plant centers in and around Tokyo Japan.
Dave, the dad, is an associate pastor with Lighthouse Christian Fellowship. Together, we will work with church planting ministries along with establishing indigenous Pregnancy Center works.

This is an exciting time for our family as we prepare to go. We have been learning the Japanese language and plan to arrive with a basic understanding of the language and how to get around. We will be attending language school when we arrive.

We are seeking partnerships for our first two years on the mission field.
With 50 people pledging to give $100 a month for 24 months we will be able to establish a solid foundation of language and cultural understanding as well as begin to build important church relationships needed to spread the vision for ministering to those in crisis and unplanned pregnancies.

How can you be a partner with Share-Affirm?
  • Pledge to be one of the 50, or partner with another family/individual to each cover half of a monthly pledge ($50 per person).
  • Share this blog post or our facebook page (www.facebook.com/shareaffirmministries).
  • Or talk to your pastor or ministry leader about allowing us to come share with your church.

You can also become a prayer partner by pledging to pray for our family as well as the work of Share-Affirm ministries.

Financial pledges can be made online at www.worldim.com/give or by sending a check to:
World Indigenous Missions
P.O. Box 310627
New Braunfels, TX 78131-0627
Please include a note with branch #262 on it but make the check out to WIM.
Your prayer pledge can be added in the comments below or sent to sharalpierce@yahoo.com

May God Richly Bless you!